Signature Tube is a production of the Signature Real Estate Companies
Signature Tube is a real estate web marketing video series produced by The Signature Real Estate Companies. Enjoy video training sessions, educational interviews & seminars.
The web series is hosted by Ben G. Schachter, Broker & President of The Signature Real Estate Companies. His role is particularly important to both the day-to-day operations of the company and the long range goals as set forth by the executive team. As the overseer of Signature's 550+ person organization and 17 offices, he must ensure top down quality control for an extremely diverse organization. With intimate knowledge of the inner workings of each of Signature's subsidiaries, Ben must make certain that there is a proper delegation of tasks and an effective management style to help promote the company’s successes on many levels.
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Info@SignatureTube.com | 561.705.0140